I’d just like to say thank you so, so, so much for coming to Newman yesterday and sharing your experience with us and giving the best advice that I’ve ever heard. You’ve really helped me, and though things are still tough right now, your presentations really inspired me a lot. Thank you!
Year 10
I found the resilience presentation thoroughly enjoyable, as well as inspirational. the information conveyed has highlighted to me how important it is to be resilient, and has motivated me to be a stronger person in all aspects of life.
Year 11
I just wanted to say how inspiring your speeches were. I just finished a 2-day retreat and I left so inspired. I learnt so much at your sessions. Your self-esteem, relationship and decision-making sessions were amazing. You guys are AMAZING at talking to audiences and really engaged with us. I went into this thinking that it was going to be so boring but came out amazed I’ve never listened and focused so much before. The people that spoke over the 2 days and told their story really touched my heart and was shocked. I’ve never heard a story like any of them before. It told me that you can change your life around no matter how hurt you may be. Thank you so much for coming and talking to us because you really helped me understand so much.
Year 10
I was a part of your talk today and I just wanted to say thank you so much. I have been going through anxiety for the last 4 years and I constantly get bullied. I love what you do and hope you can come back again.
Year 9
You recently did a speech at our school and I’m so grateful. You literally spoke about what Iv gone through and I’m so glad someone does stuff like this, especially a guy because you don’t often see males speaking about issues as people wouldn’t think its ‘manly’. A fight occurred in our school involving our friend group and I really feel as your speech helped. Thanks.
Year 9
Your talk was so amazing, thank you so much for talking with us at our school today! Your speech was extremely inspirational and I am proud to say that it has most definitely changed my perspective on the matter, I realised that I myself have been very hypocritical by being horrible to people even though I am bullied myself (not that much, just sometimes, but by the same person). I realised that I need to treat people the way that I want to be treated. Your story was extremely inspiring as well because it made me realise that asking for help is so much better than just ignoring people or fighting back with aggression. I will be working harder to be an active bystander from now on as well! Thanks again, you really changed my perspective on so many things and really touched my heart❤❤❤!!!
Year 9