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 The Respect Effect Primary School Students Sessions

YR 4-6



Self-Awareness and Managing Emotions

Healthy Friendships

Decision Making

Screen Addiction

Cyber Safety


Prep for High School



Secondary School Students Sessions

YR 7-9


Prep For High School (Yr 7’s)



Self Esteem

Self-Awareness and Managing Emotions

Improving Mental Health


Relationships and Dating

Healthy Friendships

Decision Making


Screen Addiction

Cyber Safety

Men of Respect (Boys)

Please Like Me (Girls)

The Respect Effect

The Dating Dilemma


YR 10-12



Self Esteem

Stress Management

Health and Well-Being

Self-Awareness and Managing Emotions

Relationships and Dating

Decision Making

Real Men

Real Beauty – Where girls get their value from

Screen Addiction

The Respect Effect

Drugs and Their Affect

Leadership (Yr 12s)

Sexual Harassment (Boys)

Harassment Safety Strategies (Girls)

Consent in Relationships (Boys)

Consent Safety Strategies (Girls)

Problems with Porn (Boys)

Alcohol Savvy

Lessons for Leavers (Yr 12)


​Below is a brief description of the more popular topics that we cover for students ranging from Year 3 to Year 12 in Primary and Secondary Schools:

Years 4 to 6


One thing is guaranteed in life – we will face problems. Resilience is the ability to bounce back regardless of the problems that we face. Many students lack this ability and view the world as coming to an end every time there is a problem. There are certain skills that are very important in relation to dealing with problems, and it’s only once these skills are learnt that we are able to be resilient. This session focuses on helping students understand why resilience is so important and teaching the skills that will help student grow in relation to resilience.

Healthy Friendships

A friend is someone that we know, trust, like and care about. Having healthy friendships in our lives has an incredibly positive impact, we feel happier and more supported. These friendships do need to be healthy to experience those benefits and so this session focuses on how to develop and maintain healthy friendships, the qualities that people need to have for healthy friendships and even how to fight well for a friendship to flourish.


Bullying is a serious problem in our schools. Statistics now say that 1 in 3 students are bullied on a daily basis, that is a number that we cannot ignore. Bullying has a very strong impact on a students’ self-esteem, how involved they are in school work and even their success later in life. We need to deal with this problem effectively  – and this session has been praised by numerous teachers that it is the best session they have seen on bullying in their time as a teacher (25 years in one case) This bullying session highlights the important issues in regards to bullying, why students bully others, the importance of bystanders getting involved and the different choices that students experiencing bullying have in these situations. As well as practical points this session is strongly driven by lived experience.

Cyber Safety

Living in such a technically advanced culture mean that our kids and teenagers need to be equipped in how to be safe while being on the internet. It is almost impossible to keep students away from social media – so the focus needs to be how to keep them safe while being online. We discuss how student online reputation is not separate to their real-life reputation, the importance of taking into account the terms and conditions for social media sights as well as settings for devices and how student relate to people online (and can also include other related issues such as Cyber-Bullying, Screen Addiction, Pornography and more).

Prep For High School (Year 6)

Moving from Year 6 to Year 7 in High School can be a huge deal for Primary School students. There is a transition period as a result of being the oldest students in school to being the youngest, and the possibility of a new environment and not knowing students adds to the difficulty. This session focuses on some of the key issues they may need to deal with as a result of being in this situation: Bullying, Making friends, Increase in school work, mental health issues etc, and can be a good way to begin to talk about such issues in a fun environment.

Screen Addiction

It should not be news to anyone that teenagers spend too much time in front of screens. Whether this is having an impact on their health and well-being really comes down to how much time they are spending. The real issue is if students are becoming addicted to being in front of a flat screen watching or playing all hours of the day. In this sessions we explore why spending too much time in front of screen is an issue – and how to change our behaviour is in fact we are addicted to the screen.


Respect is something that is valued by everyone, so why is it that we so often struggle to give respect to others? No one likes being dis-respected, including teenagers. This session discusses the importance of respect and showing it in circumstances and situations where we often don’t FEEL like showing respect. We also talk about the importance of respecting authority, and men respecting women (This session has the option of discussing why violence against women is wrong – where it starts and how to change it).

Leadership (Year 6)

If students can learn what it means to be a good leader, they will acquire a skill that applies to almost every situation in life. The Leadership session discusses the important qualities and characteristics of leadership. An important statement is made – that we are all leaders, and that the real question is not whether we will lead but ‘how will we lead’?

Team Building

It is very important for students to be able to work within teams, as they will find themselves in a team of some sort sooner or later. There are certain qualities that make a great team member, and the best way to build a strong team is for each of the members to grow as individuals. We play a number of team building activities as a part of the workshop to learn about the importance of team in a fun and active way. We also discuss the 4 stages of team growth and the importance that each stage plays in the development of a strong and functioning team.

Walking Away

Inspired by the current national ‘Real Heroes Walk Away’ campaign in Australia, the focus in this session is to talk about why teenagers want to fight and the importance of choosing to walk away regardless of the consequences. Walking away actually shows more strength and courage than choosing to stay and fight, but many teenagers believe otherwise. This along with many other misconceptions must be broken in order for boys and girls to choose of their own accord not to fight, and to ‘Walk Away’.

Please contact Adam for any information on these workshops at adam@armedforlife.com.au or on 0438 938 049

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Years 7 to 9


One thing is guaranteed in life – we will face problems. Resilience is the ability to bounce back regardless of the problems that we face. Many students lack this ability and view the world as coming to an end every time there is a problem. There are certain skills that are very important in relation to dealing with problems, and it’s only once these skills are learnt that we are able to be resilient. This session focuses on helping students understand why resilience is so important and teaching the skills that will help student grow in relation to resilience.


Bullying is a serious problem in our schools. Statistics now say that 1 in 3 students are bullied on a daily basis, that is a number that we cannot ignore. Bullying has a very strong impact on a students’ self-esteem, how involved they are in school work and even their success later in life. We need to deal with this problem effectively  – and this session has been praised by numerous teachers that it is the best session they have seen on bullying in their time as a teacher (25 years in one case) This bullying session highlights the important issues in regards to bullying, why students bully others, the importance of bystanders getting involved and the different choices that students experiencing bullying have in these situations. As well as practical points this session is strongly driven by lived experience.

Healthy Friendships

A friend is someone that we know, trust, like and care about. Having healthy friendships in our lives has an incredibly positive impact, we feel happier and more supported. These friendships do need to be healthy to experience those benefits and so this session focuses on how to develop and maintain healthy friendships, the qualities that people need to have for healthy friendships and even how to fight well for a friendship to flourish.

Self Esteem

What do you see when you look in the mirror? For many teenagers what they see in the mirror does not line up with reality. Many students have a damaged self-esteem, and are not able to face challenges in life because of this. Having a positive self-esteem can change everything, from how we interact with people to how we deal with problems. It is so important to have a healthy self-esteem and this session focuses on helping students identify for themselves if their self-esteem is low, and 6 effective things that they can do to practically change how they feel about themsevles.

Self-Awareness and Managing Emotions

The capacity to be self-aware is one of the most important elements in relation to change. There is a reason behind EVERYTHING that we do, and only when we have the capacity to be self aware and take notice of why we feel the way that we do can we recognise why we may be engaging in unhealthy behaviour of some kind. The Self-Awareness session discusses the importance of why we need to take notice of our emotions and how to change any unhealthy patterns that we may be experiencing in emotional responses.

Cyber Safety

Living in such a technically advanced culture mean that our kids and teenagers need to be equipped in how to be safe while being on the internet. It is almost impossible to keep students away from social media – so the focus needs to be how to keep them safe while being online. We discuss how student online reputation is not separate to their real-life reputation, the importance of taking into account the terms and conditions for social media sights as well as settings for devices and how student relate to people online (and can also include other related issues such as Cyber-Bullying, Screen Addiction, Pornography and more).

Screen Addiction

It should not be news to anyone that teenagers spend too much time in front of screens. Whether this is having an impact on their health and well-being really comes down to how much time they are spending. The real issue is if students are becoming addicted to being in front of a flat screen watching or playing all hours of the day. In this sessions we explore why spending too much time in front of screen is an issue – and how to change our behaviour is in fact we are addicted to the screen.


Respect is something that is valued by everyone, so why is it that we so often struggle to give respect to others? No one likes being dis-respected, including teenagers. This session discusses the importance of respect and showing it in circumstances and situations where we often don’t FEEL like showing respect. We also talk about the importance of respecting authority, and men respecting women (This session has the option of discussing why violence against women is wrong – where it starts and how to change it).

Walking Away

Inspired by the current national ‘Real Heroes Walk Away’ campaign in Australia, the focus in this session is to talk about why teenagers want to fight and the importance of choosing to walk away regardless of the consequences. Walking away actually shows more strength and courage than choosing to stay and fight, but many teenagers believe otherwise. This along with many other misconceptions must be broken in order for boys and girls to choose of their own accord not to fight, and to ‘Walk Away’.

Stress Management

Many students are experiencing high levels of stress regardless of what year they are in at the high school level – and this stress is starting at a younfer age than ever before. Wherever that stress comes from – home or school – our bodies are not designed to handle these high levels of stress at any given time. It starts to effect our concentration, our overall health and even our ability to function on a daily basis. This session is all about educating students on why stress is so bad and what they can practically do to alleviate some or most of the stress that they are feeling, through the top 10 Tips on how to deal with stress in a healthy way.

Relationships and Dating

High school students today are given so many mixed messages about dating, relationships and what really matters. It is important to explain what a healthy relationship looks like but also to talk about the students as individuals and whether they are ready for a relationship. This session aims to help students understand the difference between dating and a relationship, why they should be looking at themselves before ever getting into a relationship, and what a healthy relationship actually looks like.

Decision Making

Teenagers have hundreds of choices to make every day, and unfortunately they can get caught up in making decisions based on what their friends want rather than what’s best for them. This session focuses on 3 elements of decision making: Who, Why and How. We highlight the importance of making your own decisions and taking responsibility for those decisions once made, students are  encouraged to consider what is important to them in relation to making decisions (as values drive the decisions that we make – they why) and we then discuss the process of making decisions and what that should look like.

Real Men (Years 8 and 9)

With pressures from society and others around us…what kind of man do you want to be? There are certain issues for boys that are not really talked about. With little to no guidance given in how to become a man, how do boys make the right decisions with so much temptation to make the wrong ones? The ‘Real Men’ session focuses on helping teenage boys to understand what it means to be a man by focusing on 5 important points. Through these points this sessions will tackle issues such as respect for women, talking about issues, anger, pornography and more.

Real Beauty (Years 8 and 9)

What does Real Beauty mean to you? A question that we should ask every teenage girl. Too often teenage girls develop the habit of gaining their value and self-worth based on how they look and carry this throughout the rest of their lives. This is dangerous and destructive behaviour for a number of reasons. We explore the importance of gaining value from who you are, not based on how you look – and come to the conclusion that this is in fact what real beauty means – finding value in who you are.

Drugs and Alcohol

Drugs and alcohol have always been an issue for teenagers that are looking for a way to medicate the paint that they may be feeling. It is not more of an issue than ever before. This session discusses why we use coping mechanics as teenagers, how they become addictions and the danger of using drugs and alcohol not just now but for the rest of our lives. This session not only using practical points on how to deal with drug and alcohol use but also strongly relies on lived experience to help teenagers engage with the information.


There is such a big difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Self motivation, internal motivation, is always more powerful and actually quite essential for students to achieve well in school. When students are driven by motivation that is outside themselves (parents, teachers or friends) difficulties are harder to manage, motivation is harder to keep alive. In this session we talk about the power of internal motivation and how to start being internally motivated, and keep it going.

Please contact Adam for any information on these workshops at adam@armedforlife.com.au or on 0438 938 049

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Years 10 to 12

Health and Wellbeing

Our overall health plays such a big role in everything else that we experience in life. If we are not healthy it changes how we make choices, how we feel about ourselves, even how we experience stress. This session discusses all the elements of health and why they all matter, but focuses on physical well-being and how we can change that to support all other elements of health through 5 practical changes: Food, Exercise, Sleep, Managing Stress Better and Changing Our Thoughts.

Stress Management

Many students are experiencing high levels of stress regardless of what year they are in at the high school level. Wherever that stress comes from – home or school – our bodies are not designed to handle these high levels of stress at any given time. It starts to effect our concentration, our overall health and even our ability to function on a daily basis. This session is all about educating students on why stress is so bad and what they can practically do to alleviate some or most of the stress that they are feeling, through the top 10 Tips on how to deal with stress in a healthy way.


One thing is guaranteed in life – we will face problems. Resilience is the ability to bounce back regardless of the problems that we face. Many students lack this ability and view the world as coming to an end every time there is a problem. There are certain skills that are very important in relation to dealing with problems, and it’s only once these skills are learnt that we are able to be resilient. This session focuses on helping students understand why resilience is so important and teaching the skills that will help student grow in relation to resilience.

Self Esteem

What do you see when you look in the mirror? For many teenagers what they see in the mirror does not line up with reality. Many students have a damaged self-esteem, and are not able to face challenges in life because of this. Having a positive self-esteem can change everything, from how we interact with people to how we deal with problems. It is so important to have a healthy self-esteem and this session focuses on helping students identify for themselves if their self-esteem is low, and 6 effective things that they can do to practically change how they feel about themselves.

Self-Awareness and Managing Emotions

The capacity to be self-aware is one of the most important elements in relation to change. There is a reason behind EVERYTHING that we do, and only when we have the capacity to be self aware and take notice of why we feel the way that we do can we recognise why we may be engaging in unhealthy behaviour of some kind. The Self-Awareness session discusses the importance of why we need to take notice of our emotions and how to change any unhealthy patterns that we may be experiencing in emotional responses.

Relationships and Dating

High school students today are given so many mixed messages about dating, relationships and what really matters. It is important to explain what a healthy relationship looks like but also to talk about the students as individuals and whether they are ready for a relationship. This session aims to help students understand the difference between dating and a relationship, why they should be looking at themselves before ever getting into a relationship, and what a healthy relationship actually looks like.

Decision Making

Teenagers have hundreds of choices to make every day, and unfortunately they can get caught up in making decisions based on what their friends want rather than what’s best for them. This session focuses on 3 elements of decision making: Who, Why and How. We highlight the importance of making your own decisions and taking responsibility for those decisions once made, students are  encouraged to consider what is important to them in relation to making decisions (as values drive the decisions that we make – they why) and we then discuss the process of making decisions and what that should look like.

Real Men (Year 10 and 11 Boys or Combined)

With pressures from society and others around us…what kind of man do you want to be? There are certain issues for boys that are not really talked about. With little to no guidance given in how to become a man, how do boys make the right decisions with so much temptation to make the wrong ones? The ‘Real Men’ session focuses on helping teenage boys to understand what it means to be a man by focusing on 5 important points. Through these points this sessions will tackle issues such as respect for women, talking about issues, anger, pornography and more.

Real Beauty (Year 10 and 11 Girls or Combined)

What does Real Beauty mean to you? A question that we should ask every teenage girl. Too often teenage girls develop the habit of gaining their value and self-worth based on how they look and carry this throughout the rest of their lives. This is dangerous and destructive behaviour for a number of reasons. We explore the importance of gaining value from who you are, not based on how you look – and come to the conclusion that this is in fact what real beauty means – finding value in who you are.

Drugs and Alcohol

Drugs and alcohol have always been an issue for teenagers that are looking for a way to medicate the paint that they may be feeling. It is not more of an issue than ever before. This session discusses why we use coping mechanics as teenagers, how they become addictions and the danger of using drugs and alcohol not just now but for the rest of our lives. This session not only using practical points on how to deal with drug and alcohol use but also strongly relies on lived experience to help teenagers engage with the information.

Please contact Adam for any information on these workshops at adam@armedforlife.com.au or on 0438 938 049
