Relationships and Dating

Relationships and Dating

High school students today are given so many mixed messages about dating, relationships, and what really matters. It is important to explain what a healthy relationship looks like but also to talk about the students as individuals and whether they are ready for a relationship. This session aims to help students understand the difference between […]


There is such a big difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Self-motivation, internal motivation, is always more powerful and actually quite essential for students to achieve well in school. When students are driven by motivation that is outside themselves (parents, teachers, or friends) difficulties are harder to manage, motivation is harder to keep alive. In […]

Cyber Safety

Living in such a technically advanced culture means that our kids and teenagers need to be equipped in how to be safe while being on the internet. It is almost impossible to keep students away from social media – so the focus needs to be on how to keep them safe while being online. We […]