Our society’s concept of what it really means to be a man can be so destructive and unhealthy. Teenage boys who are becoming men sometimes have no idea what that means or looks like – especially if they do not have a positive role model at home that is displaying positive qualities that a man should display, or that male figure is just completely absent. We have to have the discussion with our teenage boys about issues like self-control, respect and owning our issues as men in light of pointing them towards how to be a healthy man.
The online content has been designed to follow the resilience session run by Armed For Life in your school.
How it works
Access is granted upon purchase, to the chosen topic for 30 days.
Upon log-in, the user will have access to the following:
- The session video, which enables review for up to 30 days
- The follow up lesson plans, which have been designed to be used in a number of class periods to reinforce the messages of the chosen session
- The interviews and stories are optional extras. These are videos of people and their stories, which that directly or indirectly display the points associated with the session